Tuesday 17 June 2008

Judge Needs More Time to Review Brit's Case

It was back to court for Britney Spears' camp on Tuesday, where a judge postponed a July hearing to discuss control of the singer's assets.

Commissioner Reva Goetz ruled that the July 31 hearing --which was scheduled to decide whether to end or extend Britney's conservatorship--will instead review matters of evidence in her case, giving attorneys more time to compile information about Brit's affairs.

Goetz also granted the singer's dad and co-conservator, Jamie Spears, permission to sell his daughter's Studio City home.

Following a disastrous split from ex-hubby Kevin Federline, a bitter custody battle over their two sons and an erratic lifestyle that ultimately led to the singer being hospitalized twice for psychiatric evaluations, the court established a conservatorship in February, giving Jamie and attorney Andrew Wallet control over Britney's assets and medical decisions.

In the months since, Britney,26, has been lying low, even attempting to get back to work with two successful cameos on the CBS hit How I Met Your Mother.

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